10 Guide -- Ten, an association of several participants, at the head of which there is a participant in the form of a leader, 10 Guider;

10 Guider -- Foreman, the head of 9 or more participants, he is also an operator, the one who keeps order of affairs, transfers funds from a  account 10 Guide or connects the transfer of funds from one participant to another participant directly;

Account 10 Guide -- Tens account, an account, as usual in Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash cryptocurrencies, to which cryptocurrency transactions can be received from participants and paid out to participants. The account 10 Guide is protected by multi-signatures, which prevents funds from being stolen.

Cell -- a cell is an association of 5 participants, sometimes less, for example, if you want to take part in the MMM as a work team, unite with relatives and other options;

100 Guider -- a centurion is one who leads several 10 Guiders. A 100 Guider is also a 10 Guider, because those who have grown in their 10 Guide from 6 and more 10 Guiders become a 100 Guider. A 1000 Guider, 10000 Guider and so on are also 10 Guider;

1000 Guider -- Thousander, who manages several 100 Guiders and so on, 10000 Guiders, 100000 Guider of a higher rank, leaders leading leaders below their rank, and so on.

MGR (Mgr) -- Manager, who decides any issues related to the abuse of 10 Guiders, 100 Guiders, 1000 Guiders and other MMM issues. The Mgr is appointed by Danil Yusupov;

Danil Yusupov is a former 10-millionaire Guider in MMM-2011, whom Sergey Mavrodi trusted in particular in the most difficult times, including payments for large sums. Danil Yusupov revived (rebirthing) MMM in May 2020;

Blog 10 Guide -- a simplified form of providing and getting help.

The 10 Guider conducts all accounting in the Excel table.

Each participant can become a 10 Guider by going through the school of 10 Guide. When a 10 Guider appears in your country, you can provide and get help not only in cryptocurrency, but also using bank transfers, mobile money and other electronic payments, even in cash.

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